Eco Kayak Rider is the shortest 270 cm long sit-on-top touring kayak of the manufacturer's product range The comfortable position of the legs is supported by the multi-position footrest integrated into the hull. The kayak is equipped with 2 fishing rod holders for those who want to fish from the kayak, as the stability of the boat makes this easily possible.
The boat is especially recommended for those kayakers, who would like to prioritize extreme stability over speed. The Rider is comfortable for kayakers of all stature, extremely simple, and practical to use. We recommend it to those who are kayaking as a hobby, planning shorter tours, even beginner kayakers, as well as to all members of the family vacationing on the beach. Easier portability is provided by the side plastic handles. It can be useful for tour organizing companies that the boats can be placed on top of each other, so they can fit in small spaces. Storage compartments for kayakers and a side paddle holder also add to the already rich equipment.
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Category | Sea kayak/Touring kayak |
Lenght, width, height | 270, 83, 30 [cm] |
Material | HDPE High Density PoliEthylene |
Weight | 23 kg |
Cockpit size | Nyitott |
Capacity | 120 kg |
Basic equipment | 2 waterproof compartments |
Recommended accessories | 1 seat, paddle, PFD, delivery cart |
Lenght | Shorter than 4 meters |
Width | More than 60 centimeters |
Manouvering | None |
Material | One Layer Polyethylene |